Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wrapping up our first week on campus!

Hey all!

This is Mike and Alex giving you the latest on what's going down with "la familia." We have had quite an eventful week for sure.

Last weekend, we had a fourth of July party and were able to hang out with a bunch of the students who are involved with Vida Estudiantil (Salvador's Campus Crusade) and it was a really sweet time to get to know where some of the students were on a spiritual level. We were all super encouraged.

This week was the first week that we were able to start our ministry on the campus of Evangelica. The university reopened on Tuesday, and we were able to spend a few hours Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday meeting with students, and sharing the Gospel. Wednesday we invited a few students to our "English Club" where we got to hang out and goof around while continuing to build relationships with the students. Thursday was a big highlight in the week because a student at Evangelica prayed to receive Christ. Rosa and Manuel (one of the staff members in El Sal) had the priveledge of evangelizing to this student, Karen, and have plans to follow up with her this coming week. Keep her in your prayers and ask the Lord that the seed planted in her heart would be rooted in Christ.

Also, we held our first weekly meeting for VE (Vida Estudiantil) and it went really well. We had close to twenty students from Evangelica attend, as well as students from other campuses who are involved with VE. We are excited to see the movement grow and to see the locals taking ownership.

Please pray for our minibus, "the prego!" We were able to do some sight seeing and visit San Salvador's national volcano, and on the way back we had some minor issues with the brakes of the vehicle, a.k.a. they caught on fire. We were able to stop and extinguish the fire with some waterbottles we had handy, but the damage was done and the brakes are shot, so for the time being the local staff has been kind enough to shuttle us around. Not to worry any padres (parents) our project leaders Rachael and Taylor were very calm and handled the situation in the safest manner possible.

Highlight of today was spending some quality time with a local church in downtown San Sal. We spent hours reaching out to the children of the community and had a crazy time dancing and running and singing with about 60 kids ranging from ages 4 to 15. It was awesome, but heartbreaking at the same time since so many of them live in conditions that are incomparable to poverty in the States. The ministry that the church has is such a blessing to the community and the teachers there told us that there has been such a change in the hearts of the kids. The love that we received from them today was something that was completely absent when the ministry first began.

Continue to pray that our ministry would reach hearts and save souls in Christ and that the students here would continue to grow in Christ and take lead in this movement.

Michael and Alex

1 comment:

  1. It was an amazing week!, i just love you all!, you are a true blessing to my life, AHHHH!!!!!!! U GUYS ARE AMAZIZINNNNGGG
